Wills & Will Trusts

Most people understand the importance of writing a Will – after all, it ensures that your possessions are distributed according to your wishes and can help to avoid disputes between family members.

But there are other good reasons to have a Will in place. For example, if you have young children, a Will can be used to appoint Guardians who will take care of them if something happens to you. Without a Will, the Court will decide who will care for your children if they are under 18 – and this may not be your first choice.

And if you have Executors named in your Will, they can help to make sure that your estate is dealt with quickly and efficiently after you die.

So, if you don’t have a Will yet, now might be the time to start thinking about putting one in place. It could make a big difference to your family and loved ones in the future.

Inheritance Tax can also be a factor in deciding whether or not to write a Will. If you are married or in a civil partnership, any inheritance you leave to your spouse is usually exempt from Inheritance Tax. But if you don’t have a Will in place, everything you own will be divided up according to the laws of intestacy – and this could mean that Inheritance Tax is payable on some of your assets.

Writing a Will can also help to ensure that your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes. If you die without a Will, the intestacy laws will determine how your estate is divided up – and this may not be in line with what you would have wanted.

Finally, making a Will can give you peace of mind knowing that your affairs are in order and that your loved ones will be taken care of after you’re gone.

We offer a free initial virtual or in-person consultation to discuss your specific circumstances. If you would like to make appointment with one of our experts, please contact us today.

Wills & Will Trust Fees 2023


Fee Type Fees plus VAT
Individual Single Will £350
Simple Mirror Wills £550
Individual Complex Will £550
Complex Mirror Wills £750
Complex Wills inc Trusts – individual From £750
Complex Wills inc Trusts – Couple From £950